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Monday, September 30, 2013

More Media Coverage

The Community Focus Group meeting from September 18 is still generating news. A piece appeared in today's Cedar Rapids Gazette:

Discussion on University Heights Development Resumes

The link above to the story has a good write up. 

Remember that online feedback is still being collected by MPOjc (Metropoliton Planning Organization of Johnson County) staff until midnight Tuesday October 1st.

Here is a link to the Focus Group page along with footprint images of each scenario and a webcast of the presentation of each scenario from the meeting:

Focus Group Feeback

The fiercely  debated Melrose Ave. development project that divided the University Heights community several years ago has resurfaced following a series of new proposals by the developer.
Plans for One University Place, 1300 Melrose Ave., to be a mix of residential and commercial development stalled in 2011 after vocal opposition from residents and a city council unwilling to support the project with tax increment financing.
Developer Jeff Maxwell released two additional proposals, along with his original plan, for the 5.3 acres of land where St. Andrew Presbyterian Church currently stands. The church has agreed allow Maxwell to purchase the land for $4.3 million, which the city council rezoned for development in 2010.
Maxwell said the residential-only designs are alternatives for those concerned about commercial space.
- See more at:
The fiercely  debated Melrose Ave. development project that divided the University Heights community several years ago has resurfaced following a series of new proposals by the developer.
Plans for One University Place, 1300 Melrose Ave., to be a mix of residential and commercial development stalled in 2011 after vocal opposition from residents and a city council unwilling to support the project with tax increment financing.
Developer Jeff Maxwell released two additional proposals, along with his original plan, for the 5.3 acres of land where St. Andrew Presbyterian Church currently stands. The church has agreed allow Maxwell to purchase the land for $4.3 million, which the city council rezoned for development in 2010.
Maxwell said the residential-only designs are alternatives for those concerned about commercial space.
- See more at:
e fiercely  debated Melrose Ave. development project that divided the University Heights community several years ago has resurfaced following a series of new proposals by the developer.
Plans for One University Place, 1300 Melrose Ave., to be a mix of residential and commercial development stalled in 2011 after vocal opposition from residents and a city council unwilling to support the project with tax increment financing.
Developer Jeff Maxwell released two additional proposals, along with his original plan, for the 5.3 acres of land where St. Andrew Presbyterian Church currently stands. The church has agreed allow Maxwell to purchase the land for $4.3 million, which the city council rezoned for development in 2010.
Maxwell said the residential-only designs are alternatives for those concerned about commercial space.
- See more at:
Discussion on University Heights development resumes - See more at:
Discussion on University Heights development resumes - See more at:
Discussion on University Heights development resumes - See more at:
Discussion on University Heights development resumes - See more at:

Sunday, September 29, 2013

St. Andrew Challenge

The focus group session on Wednesday, September 18, was a lively and energetic forum. While there was not overwhelming consensus on any one scenario, it was obvious University Heights residents want to take advantage of the opportunity to have a development on the St. Andrew property that offers more than just an expansion our city’s tax base.

The diversity of opinions about the type of development will require active listening and leadership from the next city council. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity for our town to control how a large property will be developed. The council must work to develop a vision of the future for University Heights that residents can understand and adopt. I suspect we will develop a hybrid of the three scenarios we discussed at the meeting in order to meet the needs of a majority of the residents.

The St.Andrew project has been and will continue to be a challenge for our community. I am optimistic that we can come together and agree on a development that will meet the long term needs of the residents of University Heights.

Campaign Update

As can be seen by even the most casual observer through town, the 2013 municipal campaign is in full swing.

I have been working my way through town, going door to door and talking to citizens. It has been rewarding, as it always is, and interesting as well. I appreciate the willingness of our community members to talk about city issues and share their views.

In the crowded field of 9 candidates for the 5 council seats are 5 independent candidates and 4 that are running together as a slate. I am running as an independent candidate.

 I have shared this space in the past with Jim Lane, another independent, and he continues to have the right to post information here, as he has done over the last several years.

As Iowa law permits, groups of local citizens have the right to form Political Action Committees and advocate in city elections. Building Common Ground is a group that was formed by U-Heights citizens for the 2013 election cycle. I was invited to their Meet the Candidates event last week along with other independent candidates.There was a very nice turn out of 30 or so residents and I greatly enjoyed the afternoon. 

I also got the chance to hear from some other candidates, and was impressed with their knowledge, background and passion for our town. While I don't agree with each of them on everything I heard them discussing, I do know that these are capable people that I would honored to have the opportunity to serve in city government with.


I met Virginia last spring at the City Clean Up Day. She was loading an oak bookshelf from the "Too Good to Throw Away" table into her car and I helped her get it in the back. We chatted and she mentioned what a great event this was, because they were moving from their rental house into a new home. I asked where they were moving to, and she said, "That's the best part, we get to stay here in U-Heights, we're on a little street at the end of Golfview!" Her new home is two doors down from mine. Virginia is  a graduate of the University of Wisconsin School of Business, where she majored in Management and Marketing.  After college she worked in Chicago for 5 years as a manager for a wholesale specialty stationery company.  She and her husband, Dan, have also lived in Albuquerque, NM,before returning the the midwest. They have two children, Otis and Jane.


While campaigning in my first city council bid in 2009, I met Zadok and his wife Erin. I was immediately impressed by his warm nature and keen interest in city business. I was quite happy to hear he was interested in running for city council. His comment was that he would like to give back to his community, as it has been such a wonderful place to live. Zadok is finishing a master's degree in social work, and has served as a translator for both UI Hospitals and Clinics and the Iowa City Community School District.


I had also met Silvia while campaigning. I appreciate her direct and straightforward manner. Silvia has served on our U-Heights Zoning Commission since 2010. She is an attorney who currently works for a utility company. Silvia has a website that contains more information and articulates her views:  

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

It CAN Happen Around Here

I occasionally am chided by U-Heights residents about my frequent citation of Smart Growth ideas with the common refrain "That may work in a large city, but we're not big or dense enough for that."

Imagine my surprise when I turned to the Smart Growth America blog today and found this story:

Carlisle, IA hosts workshop on walkability

Carlisle IA
image courtesy of City of Carlisle
Carlisle is a town of 3,876 about 15 miles south and east of Des Moines. The town is bisected by highway 5. In November 2012, Carlisle was one of 22 communities selected by Smart Growth America to participate in the free technical assistance program. Stretching from Maine to Washington State, these communities represent major cities, suburban centers, and rural towns alike.

I can't wait to see the results of the workshop.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Community Forum In the News

The Press Citizen wasn't at the Community Forum on Wednesday night, but they are covering some of the consequences of the event today:

U.H. project discussion revived

Developer puts new One University Place scenarios on table

The Melrose Avenue project known as One University Place, the subject of a long-running debate in University Heights, is back up for discussion after nearly two years of dormancy, but this time the developer is bringing a new approach.

After his residential and commercial project failed to gain city approval in the face of a vocal opposition and a divided City Council in 2011, developer Jeff Maxwell is now putting forward two new plans for public consideration, in addition to his previous vision.
The three scenarios for the high-profile site, where the St. Andrew Presbyterian Church currently stands, were discussed by more than 100 residents, or one-tenth of University Heights’ population, Wednesday night at a community focus meeting hosted by the Metropolitan Planning Organization of Johnson County.

I was so pleased to see such a good turnout for the Focus Group meeting. For those unable to attend here is the link to the City's webpage with information about the three scenarios and the feedback form:


Tuesday, September 17, 2013

More Walkability Data

I had a U-Heights resident forward this article on to me last week. I found it interesting, especially in light of tomorrow's focus group meeting. Below are a few highlights, I marked those most interesting to me in yellow.
It comes from the website Efficient Gov

Which bills itself as "an independent, unbiased information service providing innovative solutions to fiscal and operational challenges facing cities and towns around the world."

Attract New Residents to Your City: Walkable Housing

 What Happened?
A recent study analyzed housing data and survey results in five municipalities including Boise to determine what housing options are becoming more popular in the post-recession market. The survey revealed residents would pay about 12.5 percent more to live in an area that is within walking distance to important amenities such as schools, parks and restaurants.

To read the full article go here:  
It is a short article and a very interesting read.

Monday, September 16, 2013

September Council Meeting Summary

Council held their regular September meeting tonight. Here are some highlights:
  • There will be pavement panel replacement on Oakcrest near the Sunset intersection on Tuesday and Wednesday Sept. 17-18 School  buses will be re-routed and please expect detours.
  • Jim Lane shared budget history and trends for city finances. We are showing a trend of city expenses growing at a faster rate than city revenues over the past 6 years. That information will be posted on the city website next week
  • Please look below for information about a Focus Group meeting next WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 18, 2013

Community Focus Meeting 9/18/13 7:00 PM
University Club 1360 Melrose

A meeting will be held to gather community reaction to three proposed scenarios for future development at St. Andrew Church site. All are invited
Childcare will be available onsite, please RSVP with number of children and their ages to

From Mayor Louise From:

Candidate Forum: If members of the community would like to sponsor a City Council Candidate’s Forum, I would be happy to assist in finding a location for it to be held. Let me know if you want my assistance.


Sunset Wide Sidewalk

The weather has remained hot and dry, so installation of sod has been pushed back to at least the beginning of next week. The other planned change is to move up the tree planting date by about 2 weeks to coincide with the laying of the sod. This will allow the contractor to plant/mulch the trees first and then sod around them, and also allows them
to complete their tree and sod watering together during each watering visit.

Farmer's Market

LAST MARKET OF THE SEASON: OCTOBER 1st  from 5:00 to 7:00 PM

Fresh produces, home made baked goods, brick oven pizza and more. St. Andrew Church parking lot at the corner of Melrose and Sunset. Come by and enjoy the fun.

It is a great pleasure to serve as your city councilor, if you have questions or concerns please don't hesitate to contact me.

-Mike Haverkamp
 315 Golfview Ave.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Focus Group Meeting Update

Here's an update regarding the Sept. 18th Community Focus Meeting at the University Club:

Childcare will be available onsite, please RSVP with number of children and their ages to 

Given the number of small children at the City Picnic yesterday, that seems like a good idea!

Friday, September 6, 2013

Community Focus Meeting ALL INVITED

7:00- 9:00 PM
University Club
1360 Melrose Ave.

Now that we've got your attention. There will be a community focus meeting to get citizen reaction to three possible development proposals for the current site of St. Andrew Church at the intersection of Sunset and Melrose.

Staff from the Municipal Planning Organization of Johnson County (MPOjc) will be moderating the event. There will be opportunity for attendees to discuss aspects of three proposals and share ideas. 

Anyone who is unable to attend will be able to complete a feedback form via the University Heights municipal website. Information will be posted there closer to the meeting date.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Hats in the Ring

With the close of candidate filing last Thursday, the 2013 University Heights municipal election will look like this:
  • Louise From
City Council
All incumbents are seeking re-election:
  • Mike Haverkamp
  • Rosanne Hopson
  • Jan Leff
  • Jim Lane
  • Brennan McGrath
  • Virginia Miller
  • Zadok Nampala
  • Silvia Quezada
  • Rachel Stewart
I'm hopeful there will be a candidate forum as there has been in the last several elections. There is a large field of quality candidates. I'm grateful to all my fellow candidates for their desire to help make U-Heights a wonderful place to live.

Since Jim and I have both been contributors to this blog we will continue to post here throughout the election. I look forward to speaking with many U-Heights citizens as the campaign progresses this fall.