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Thursday, August 11, 2016

Council Webstream/ Construction Update 10

Two posts for the price of one!

Thanks to the folks at Iowa City Cable City Channel 4  U-Heights council meetings are broadcast Thursday evenings at 9:00 PM on Channel 4 AND are available as webcasts. Here is the link to July Council meeting:

Here is a link to the July Agenda and attachments

At our August meeting this week we also heard updates on the One University Place construction project:

OUP Construction Page Index

One University Place Construction Update 10

The One University Place South building is nearing completion. Landscaping for the South Building facing Melrose is underway and will be completed in next two weeks. Pavement for parking on the north side of the South Building for commercial businesses is being installed along with some of the internal roadways for the project. Initial occupancy by residents of the South Building is expected to begin in September. Commercial business announcements are expected in the next two months.
The Sunset/Melrose intersection traffic lights are being installed this week. The City will be working with MPOJC on the timing for the street lights which will take about a month.  The North Sunset road is expected to be open late August before school starts.

 A model unit on 3rd floor of the South building is open for prospective buyers to inspect, through Blank/McCune realtors. U-Heights resident, Clayton Hargrave will coordinate interior design and furnishing for the community space at no charge to the City. 

Excavation of the foundation on the North Building has begun. Footings will be installed in the next few weeks and the foundation for the two tier parking garage will begin after the footings are in place.

Attached is the August City Engineer’s report detailing the upcoming work schedule, and other OUP related items.
Independent Project manager Glen Siders sent council an amended report detailing site work.



Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Melrose Lane Reduction


Weather permitting, beginning Tuesday, August 9, construction crews will be working in Melrose Avenue near the intersection of Sunset Street.  There will be two operations occurring during the day.  Work to fix a water service leak will be underway in the middle of Melrose Avenue  to the west of the intersection.  This work will take place in the turn lane portion of the roadway, which will be barricaded, and two-way traffic is planned to be maintained around each side of the work.  This work is anticipated to be complete by Thursday, August 11.

Also on Tuesday, crews from CenturyLink will be accessing two manholes directly at the Melrose and Sunset intersection.  Flaggers will be used to direct traffic through the intersection while crews work within these manholes.  This work is anticipated to last for a couple hours on Tuesday, and will occur sometime between 9:00 AM and 4:00 PM.

Drivers are asked to use caution around the work site, expect delays, allow extra travel time, and find alternative routes when possible.  As always, caution should be exercised when traveling through all construction areas.