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Thursday, October 13, 2016

October Council Meeting Update

Dear U-Heights residents,

City Council held their October regular meeting tonight, below are a few highlights
. For more detailed information please see the October 11 Agenda & attachments. Go here to view a webstream of the September meeting.

Conflict of Interest Ordinance Passed

Ordinance 193 version B (see the above agenda and attachments) passed its first reading tonight by a 4-1 margin, Quezada voted no. Second consideration will be at the Nov. 15 Council Meeting

Special Meeting Set

Council will hold a special meeting on Monday Oct. 17 to consider a public information request policy.  Policy will be posted on the city website later this week. This meeting is to resolve a complaint filed with the Iowa Public Information Board. For more information (see the above agenda and attachments).

Football Game Day Forum

Don't forget next week's forum discussing football game day issues. That meeting will be held Tuesday October 18 at the University Club at 7 PM. Notice here, Questions here.

Oct. 17 Council Special Meeting 6 PM City Office
Oct. 18 Game Day Forum, 7 PM U-Club

October 27, Leaf Vacuuming
Nov. 8 Election Day, U-Heights votes at UI Athletic Hall of Fame 
     Early voting schedule: Johnson County Auditor
November 10, Leaf Vacuuming
November 15 City Council meeting Horn School

November 17, Leaf Vacuuming
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As always it is a pleasure to serve as your city councilor.


Copyright © 2016 Mike Haverkamp, All rights reserved.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Explaining My Actions

A very small part of tonight's meeting that I did not mention in my council write up was an item in the mayor's report called "Possible committee change." Mayor Wally Heitman announced he was removing Silvia Quezada from oversight of the zoning and sanitation committee for the remainder of the current term.  I voted in favor of this change and the measure passed 3-2. Earlier this year council confirmed the mayor's recommendation to remove her oversight of the Board of Adjustment and building and housing staff due to conflicts regarding duties and follow through on tasks.

There was much discussion of actions of councilor Quezada during other portions of the meeting, most notably a complaint she filed with the Iowa Public Information Board. I want to make completely clear that my decision regarding removal has absolutely nothing to do with the public information complaint.

I was extremely dismayed to have to vote on her removal from oversight, and am sickened by the way the operations of the council have devolved over the past 10 months. I am also not happy that I need to talk about this publicly here.

My reasons for pulling oversight are due to the need for the city to conduct it's business in a way that continues to provide services to its citizens. Here are three examples 
  • We didn't have a leaf vacuuming schedule until Oct. 6 this year, a routine task that should have been handled much sooner. In fact Silvia was told about this Sept. 26 and it took 11 more days to follow up.
  • Details of the 2016 Farmer's Market were not communicated to other council members 
  •  A grant from DNR was awarded to U-Heights for recycling at Grandview. Despite numerous requests for a copy of the grant, over a year-long period, it was never shared

So that's why I voted as I did, given a pattern of not following through with tasks, and not communicating with others this was a step that needed to happen.