Fellow U-Heights
City Council held
their regular March meeting Tuesday night, below are some highlights. For more
information please look at the full agenda and attachments.
One University
Place Ordinance First Approval
Following a
recommendation from the Zoning Commission last week, city council held a public
hearing on a zoning amendment for One University Place and heard
community comment. Council also heard from the developers regarding their
request to increase the residential unit number from 80 to 104 and
surface parking from 55 to 108. Their plans show a reduction in commercial
space and the footprint of the front building. The back building would
remain 5 stories. Due to a petition filed by 20% of residents within 300 feet
of the property, council approval would require a super majority of 4 yes
votes. Council approved the first reading tonight 5-0. A second reading of the
amendment will be held at the April meeting.
FY16 Budget
Following a
public hearing council approved the FY16 budget. City budget years begin on
July 1. The carryover projected at the end of FY16 is $779. The re-estimated
carryover for the end of FY15 (June 30, 2015) is $13,665.
Parking Passes
Police Chief Ken
Stanley announced a policy where any resident hosting a gathering can contact
the police department and request parking passes for guests who may be leaving
their car on a city street overnight. He also passed out several passes to each
council member for them to distribute to any neighbors if needed.
Upcoming Events
- City Council Work Session on Tax Increment Financing MONDAY MARCH 23, 6:30 pm (tentative)
- City Council Meeting TUESDAY APRIL 14 7:00 PM
- Annual Spring Clean Up Day is SATURDAY APRIL 25th 9-noon
- Arbor Day Tree Planting Ceremony will be SUNDAY APRIL 26th
- Farmer's Market starts TUESDAY JUNE 2nd
- City-Wide Garage Sale will be SATURDAY JUNE 6th throughout town
- RAGBRAI comes through U-Heights! SATURDAY July 25th
- Follow University Heights on Twitter
Consider contributing to the University Heights Community Fund
I also write a blog covering U-H and other timely topics, with my opinions expressed UHForward.blogspot.com
Join the community at Nextdoor University Heights!
As always it is a pleasure to serve as your city councilor.-Mike