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Sunday, February 21, 2016

City Budgets and Library Services Feedback Needed!

City Council held a special meeting last week to discuss our FY17 Budget that will begin on July 1, 2016. We will have a budget hearing on March 8, 2016 and vote to approve our budget later that evening. We must submit an approved budget to the state no later than March 15, 2016.

One area we discussed the other night was library services. U-Heights residents are able to get both an Iowa City and a Coralville library card. We pay for library services according to contracts set with both of those community libraries. 

One of the first "political" things I did when my family moved to University Heights in 2005 was participate in the library levy campaign. As a community we voted to enact this levy to help pay for the library services we enjoy. That levy passed with an 88% yes vote. by state law the levy rate is 27 cents per thousand property valuation. 

For next year the Library Levy will generate $18,961 that can only be used for library services. Our assessment from the libraries comes to a total of $47,533. That means $28,000 needs to come from our general fund.

Mayor Wally Heitman would like to know how many people use library services, and which library do they generally use. Could you please email me your thoughts? 


Thursday, February 18, 2016

OUP Construction Update #5

To read all construction reports go here:

OUP Construction Page Index

One University Place Construction Update 5


The upper deck for the second floor has been poured and we will begin seeing more construction on the condominiums on the second floor. Concrete block walls for the first floor have been completed. Plumbing and electrical work continues on the lower lever and the first floor. These areas are heated and enables construction to progress at a good pace. 

Cold weather has slowed some of the outside work. A landscaping plan for the east ravine should be completed in March. The City Council and residents will be looking at

drawings for the addition of a left hand turning lane on Melrose into the development and the modification of the Sunset-Melrose intersection for greater efficiency at a Public Hearing on March 8.

Attached to this report is the portion of the February 2016 City Engineer’s report to City Council that relate to the OUP project, and to the public improvements project for the Sunset/Melrose intersection. MMS Engineering has submitted Public Improvements Plan drawings. There is also a link to a water main improvement document that was the subject of council discussion. At this time a route for the water main has not been decided. Also attached is City Building Inspector Terry Goerdt’s update in the February 2016 Building/Zoning/Sanitation Report. The McComas-Lacina minutes of the weekly construction update meeting for 2-10-16 is also included.

February Council Meeting Summary

Dear U-Heights residents,

City Council held their regular February meeting Tuesday night, below are some highlights. For more information please look at the full agenda and attachments.

County Assessor Talk

New Johnson County assessor Tom Van Buer gave an overview of how his office works, and the process of assessing property. This year U-Heights is scheduled for visits from assessor's staff.Please refer to the agenda above for his presentation. It will also be available from IC Cable 4 as a webstream in the next week.

FY17 Budget Planning

State law requires all cities to submit an approved FY17 (beginning July 1, 2016) budget by March 15 each year. Council held preliminary budget discussions and will continue that next week in a special meeting on Feb. 15 at 6:30 PM in the City Office, 1004 Melrose.

One University Place

There was a great deal of discussion of One University Place this evening. Council directed the city attorney to draft a letter of agreement specifying the scope of duties not covered by the building inspector or city engineer  that a project manager would perform. If council approves of this draft a short term contract would be entered into with Glen Siders at a projected rate of $75 to $100 dollars an hour. Regular construction reports are posted after council meetings on the city website OUP Construction Updates.

Upcoming Events

  1. Council Special Meeting Feb. 15 6:30 PM City Office to discuss FY17 budget
  2. Community Visioning Meeting Feb. 29 7:00 PM  public invited
  3. U-Heights History Presentation 2:00 PM March 7  IC Senior Center
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As always it is a pleasure to serve as your city councilor.


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Mike Haverkamp
315 Golfview Ave.
Iowa City, IA 52246