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Monday, March 14, 2016

March 2016 Council Meeting Webstream

Thanks to the folks at City Channel 4 in Iowa City U-Heights council meetings are broadcast Thursday evenings at 9:00 PM on Channel 4 AND are available as webcasts. Here is the link to

March 8, 2016

Friday, March 11, 2016

Construction Update #6

To read all construction reports go here:

OUP Construction Page Index

One University Place Construction Update 6


Framing on the second and third floor is progressing. Construction on the roof will begin shortly which will enclose the front building. Foundations for the ramp into the lower parking level have been poured. Plumbing and electrical installation continues on all levels. Installation of the Brick Veneer on the front part of the building will begin shortly. Installation of metal doorway frames throughout the building has begun.

The landscaping plan for the east ravine was submit by the developer and consultants to the City Council and approved. Once the proper slope for the ravine is achieved and confirmed then installation of trees, bushes and ground cover will begin. The plans for the left hand turning lane on Melrose, Sunset/Melrose intersection improvements, median installation on Sunset and the underground water piping on Sunset were approved by the City Council and have been let out for bid. Details on these items can be found in the March 4th construction update. Council expects to review bids and let the contract on March 29 at a special meeting. The outline for this process is contained in the March 2016 Engineer’s Report to City Council. Also included here is

·         McComas Lacina progress meeting minutes of 2/24/16.
·         Community Center Space DRAFT layout

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

January 2016 Council Meeting Webstream

Thanks to the folks at City Channel 4 in Iowa City U-Heights council meetings are broadcast Thursday evenings at 9:00 PM on Channel 4 AND are available as webcasts. Here is the link to

Council Meeting Webstream

As I mentioned back in a post in December, Louise From was recognized at her final council meeting for her service to University Heights. Cable Channel 4 in Iowa City is now streaming that meeting. It's worth watching