Should the St. Andrew congregation decide to sell their property, I support the One University Place development for two main reasons:
1) Financial Stability
University Heights is relying on approximately $125,000 in yearly local option sales tax to help keep its $910,257 budget in the black*. However, this sales tax sunsets in 2013 and will have to be voted on again to remain in effect. While we have benefited greatly from our share of the taxes generated in other jurisdictions, it is not prudent to rely on other cities’ tax policies to fund our budget. Facilitating generation of commercial property and sales taxes in our own jurisdiction (especially on a property that does not currently pay any taxes) will help keep our City fiscally sound.
2) Benefit to the Community
In principle, I am not in favor of TIF financing. However, I do think that we would be receiving a great deal of benefit for the input, and because this TIF is set up so that the City does not contribute if taxes are not being generated, it is less risky than traditional TIF financing. In addition to the aforementioned expansion of the tax base, current plans include a major renovation of the Sunset/Melrose intersection. TIF money will purchase a section of commercial space for the City’s use and for a community gathering place. If done right, this development could serve as a focal point for the community, which I think would be much better than being known as the speed trap.
Obviously, there is much more to this issue, and these reasons are simplistic. There will be much more to come on this topic.
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